Reports – Additional Information

Way of Life

To view Our Way of Life, click here.


Attitude to learning and effort


  • Willing and committed across all areas of school life, takes complete responsibility for own learning and extends understanding through own efforts.
  • Preps are exemplary and are on time.
  • Embodies the Way of Life across all areas


Above expectations

  • Works hard, takes initiative and is resilient in the face of challenges.
  • Preps are completed to a high standard and are on time.
  • Takes responsibility for own learning.
  • Demonstrates the Way of Life and applies qualities in and out of the classroom

How to achieve the next standard

  • Should now try to take complete responsibility for own learning and extends understanding through independent efforts.



  • Generally positive attitude in lessons and works hard.
  • Preps are completed and are on time.
  • Demonstrates the Way of Life.

How to achieve the next standard

  • Should now try to work on taking more initiative and being continually resilient in the face of challenges.


Meeting some expectations

  • Can be positive when confident.
  • Quality of prep and handing it in on time can be inconsistent
  • Understands the Way of Life and demonstrates in some areas.

How to achieve the next standard

  • Should now try to show more willingness in less assured areas.
  • Take more responsibility for handing prep in on time and completing to a good standard.


Below expectations

  • Attitude and effort do not meet expectations.
  • Prep is often not handed in on time and the quality is the below expected standard.
  • Understands the Way of Life but immediate improvement is needed to demonstrate these qualities on a regular basis.

How to achieve the next standard

  • Should now try to show more self-motivation and persistence towards learning both in and out of the classroom.
Sevenoaks Prep School
Open Morning