


Last Name First Name Department Qualifications
Bailey Aaron Head of Boys Games, Y6 – 8 Geography BSc (Hons) Sports Coaching, UWIC, Cardiff. QTS
Baker Lorna Games Teacher BEd (Hons) Movement Studies, Greenwich
Beharrell Alex Music Teacher BA (Hons) Music, Sussex, PGCE Leeds Beckett university
Butt Sophie Year 3 Teacher B Ed Primary Education (QTS)
Cashin Cherylanne Forest School MA Early Childhood Education, Canterbury Christchurch. BSc Outdoor Adventure Leadership and Management, Worcester. PGCE Early Years and Primary Education, Birmingham. L3 Forest School Training.
Clark Karen KS1 Teaching Assistant, Games Teacher BA (Hons) Ed, Warwick
Coates Kerena Outdoor Adventures
Collings Robin Assistant Head (KS2), English (Yrs 7 & 8) BA (Hons) English, Reading; QTS, Canterbury Christ Church
Cook Helen Head of Pre-Prep, Acting Deputy Head, Designated Safeguarding Lead. BSc Sports Technology, Staffordshire. PGCE Primary and Early Years, Manchester Metropolitan. NPQH
Croft Alison Marketing Officer BSc (Hons) Geography, Southampton, MA Marketing, University of West of England
Dickinson Eileen Kindergarten TA and Art Teacher Fine Art Foundation Degree
Doherty Chloe Year 4 Teacher BA (Hons) Childhood Studies
Eyers Kevin Head of CDC Advanced GNVQ in Engineering
Flint Michelle Early Years Practitioner, Reception CACHE Level 3 Diploma
Fox Robanna Nursery Practitioner Foundation degree in Childhood Studies, Early Years Care levels 2 and 3
Fuller Sophie Art Teacher, Year 6 Form Tutor, Wellbeing Coordinator BA Technical Theatre
German Anna Year 4 Teacher BA (Hons) Art History, PGCE Art and design, MA Communication Design
Gill Lynsey Year 1 Teacher BA (Hons) Graphic Design and PGCE Primary with QTS
Granger Helen Year 2 Teacher BMus (hons) in Music, Sheffield, PGCE University of Sunderland
Harrison Clare Assistant Head (KS3), Director of Admissions, Year 7 & 8 History BA (Hons) History/Politics, Keele; PGCE, Keele (Secondary)
Harrison Luke Headmaster, English and Drama (Years 7 & 8) BA (Hons) Drama/English, Surrey; PGCE, Exeter (Secondary)
Hicks Camilla Head of Maths BA (Hons) Key Stage 2/3 Mathematics Education with QTS (Brighton University) 
Hodgkin Andrew Bursar BA (Hons) Accountancy Studies, Exeter. ACA
Holden Chloe Year 1 Teaching Assistant
Hosford Lauren Medical Officer Bsc Paramedic Science
Hougham Katherine Year 3 Teacher, Drama (Years 5 & 6), Head of Creative Arts, Wellbeing Coordinator BA Early Childhood Studies w/Psychology, Roehampton; PGCE, Brighton
Howe Sarah Pre-Prep Office and Marketing BA (Hons) Public Relations and Communications, Leeds
James Julia Teaching Assistant Year 4
Jenkins Tracey Little Oaks Supervisor HLTA
Jones Jodie Early Years Practitioner CACHE level 3 Diploma in childcare and education 
Koops William Year 6 Teacher BA Geography, Birmingham, PGCE Buckingham
Lane Isabel Teaching Assistant Year 4 BA Ed (Hons) Primary Education & QTS, Cardiff Metropolitan University
Lapham Elise Nursery Practitioner Dip Pre-School Practice, CACHE 3
Laubach Sophie Teacher BA (Hons) French and Francophone Studies, PGCE, Goldsmiths
Lazur Zoe Year 1 Teaching Assistant
BA (Hons), Geography, University of Kent.
Chartered Institute of Public Relations Advanced Certificate & Diploma in Public Relations, Birkbeck University of London
Lemmon Merrhis  Forest School Leader of Outdoor Adventures, Teaching Assistant and Charities Co-Ordinator BTEC National Diploma in Childhood Education. Level 3 Forest School Qualification 
Lemmon Stephen Year 5 Teacher, Games BSc (Hons) Sports Studies, De Montfort, GTP/QTS Ed & PE, Canterbury Christ Church
MacNeil Charley PE Teacher,  & Pre-Prep Sport Lead BA Hons in Physical Education and Physical Activity
Madderson Louise Headmaster’s PA
Mansfield Caroline Head of Learning Support and EAL (Prep) MA, Edinburgh University. PGCE (Primary) London Southbank University. Level 5 Dip.SpLD, Helen Arkell Dyslexia Association. Level 3 Dip. Dyscalculia Association.
Miles Hannah Reception Teacher BA (Hons) Early Years Education, Greenwich
Morris Vanessa Year 2 Teacher BCom in Business and French, Birmingham University; PGCE Primary, Roehampton University
Mott Keely Head of Learning Support and EAL (Pre-Prep) BA Hons Kent University; Primary PGCE Greenwich, Level 3 Early Years SENDCo
Oldroyd Thomas Spanish Teacher, Year 6 Form Tutor, Games BA Spanish and Italian, Reading, PGCE Buckingham
Owen Katie  Kindergarten Teacher BA Early Primary Education, Northumbria
Palmer Wendy Year 5 Teaching Assistant, Games Assistant, Charities Co-ordinator BA (Hons), British Dyslexia Asso L3 Accreditation; QTS, Canterbury Christ Church (Primary)
Pearce Beverley Early Years Practitioner, Nursery and Kindergarten
Cache Level 3 in Childcare, Learning and Development
Peirce Michelle Assistant Bursar
Pelling Mickey Teaching Assistant BSc (Hons) Geography, Bristol; PGCE, Sunderland
Perks Sally Classroom Assistant & Little Oaks Social Care Course
Pulham Amy Kindergarten Teacher BA in Primary Education
Richards TJ Admissions BA (Hons), Durham
Rolls Dr Joanna Head of Science, Years 6-8 Science BSc (Hons) Biology, Nottingham. PhD., UCL. PGCE, Canterbury Christ Church (Secondary)
Roubicek Joanna Reception Teaching Assistant AMI Montessori Diploma
Rowland Louisa Head of Early Years BA Ed Primary with QTS and Specialisms in Early Years, Maths and PE, Goldsmiths, London
Schilling Nicola  Kindergarten Teaching Assistant Montessori Early Childhood Teaching diploma
Sharmin Natasha Early Years Practitioner, Nursery BA (Hons) in Social Science
(Public Administration)
University of Dhaka
BIIAB Level 5 Diploma in Leadership for Health and Social Care of Children And Young People’s Services.
CACHE Level 3 Diploma in Pre-School Practice
Sobrany Nicki Teaching Assistant
Sullivan Laura Year 1 Teacher
LLB Law from Queen Mary College, University of London
Legal Practice Course – BPP, Leeds
PGCE Primary, Institute of London
Timms Federica MFL Teacher LLB in European and French Law, Exeter, PGCE Secondary, Leeds Beckett University
Vashchuk Nina Teaching Assistant BA in Ukrainian Language and Literature Lesya Ukrainka Volyn State University, PGCE in Psychology Lesya Ukrainka Eastern European National University
Viney Eleanor Early Years Assistant
Wake Shannon Assistant Head (KS1) , Year 2 Teacher, Pre-Prep Literacy Co-ordinator Bachelor of Science, Bachelor of Teaching (Primary), Master of Education
Wallis Lydia Year 5 Teacher, Head of Humanities, Games B.ED (Hons) Primary Education, Leeds
White Juliet Teacher BSc Psychology, Reading PGCE Sussex
Young Laura Reception Teacher, Maths Co-ordinator BA Drama, PGCE in Primary Education, Ulster University