Heads of School

23rd September 23

We are delighted to introduce our new Heads and Deputy Heads of School following our election where all staff and Year 8 pupils vote in a secret ballot. Other children in Year 8 are appointed as senior, school or junior prefects and they have been awarded their ties which reflect their responsibilities. Congratulations to you all, we are looking forward to seeing you embrace your new roles.

As our ambassadors, they will make announcements and presentations in assembly to their peers, and address parents and school governors at other events. They will lead our school council and give prospective parent tours.

We are extremely proud of all of our Year 8 children who not only have the challenge of a rigorous academic programme so that they are fully prepared for entry into their senior schools at 13+ but who also contribute so much to the wider life of The Prep.

Sevenoaks Prep School
Open Morning