Categories: Weekly Round Up

week ending 8th March






Dear Parents

I hope you are all well.

As I sit typing, I can see all sorts of wonderful and strange people outside my window: Pippi Longstocking, Willy Wonka, Hermione Granger, Harry Potter and quite a few little pigs!  Yes, it is World Book Day and during assembly this morning we had a parade so we could all see all the tremendous outfits – it was quite a spectacle.  It is always a joy to speak with the pupils throughout the day about their favourite books and characters; there are some perennial favourites, from The Grinch to Little Red Riding Hood – and it is always good to see some new entrants each year.  It made me think about what World Book Day would have looked like had it existed when I was at Sevenoaks Prep as a pupil;  I settled on the fact that I would have come as Adrian Mole or a (tall) hobbit.

It has been lovely to welcome a splash of Vitamin D this week when the sun managed to emerge.  I am only sorry that we had to cancel The Thomas Trophy and disappoint everyone involved in the event – but the pitches at school are sodden and the course was just too unsafe for us to allow 300+ runners into the park.  Let us hope that next year is kinder to us and we can hold the event as usual in the Autumn term.

I was away for part of last week on a school inspection and had to travel to London.  As I stepped onto the train in the morning with the commuters I had a sudden feeling that I was a grown up and had a proper job!

Best wishes

Luke Harrison


Dear Parents,

We have had the most wonderful time celebrating World Book Day this year. The costumes have been incredible and have included Matilda, Willy Wonka, Dorothy, Tinkerbell, Harry Potter, Mr Men, dinosaurs, tigers, princesses and even Queen Elizabeth II, complete with her corgi. A huge thank you to all the parents who helped with the costumes – your efforts have paid off and the children looked amazing as they paraded through the school hall during our whole school assembly.

The theme for World Book Day this year is “Read Your Way”. Research shows that developing positive attitudes towards reading can play a key role in children’s development: Young people who enjoy reading very much are three times as likely to read above the level expected for their age as young people who do not enjoy reading at all. Children’s and Young People’s Reading in 2015, National Literacy Trust, 2016

The theme, “Read Your Way” has encouraged us to think about how we promote reading with children. During our whole school assembly, we looked at some of the barriers to reading, such as not enough time, too much homework, too many screen distractions or not knowing what to read. It has challenged us to think about how we can overcome these barriers, such as sharing recommendations with friends, reading before dinner or in the car or choosing a book over screen time. However you manage it, there is a book out there for everyone and even a quick five minutes here or there can ignite a child’s imagination.

To support the theme, we held a reading picnic in the Pre-Prep hall. We set up blankets, cushions and bean bags, and decorated the hall with colourful bunting, fairy lights and balloons. The children sat in a cozy little nook and read their favourite books to each other. Kindergarten even had a tea party to celebrate The Tiger Who Came to Tea! There was a real buzz in the hall and you could clearly see so many children enjoying their reading. I really hope that this experience is one that they will remember and will carry on having a love of reading for pleasure.

This week, classrooms have been busy with book themed activities. Each of the classes have decorated their classroom doors with a book theme such as George’s Marvelous Medicine, Willy Wonka, James and the Giant Peach, Little Red Riding Hood and The Tiny Seed. Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 were treated to a fantastic book themed drama workshop at the start of the week and explored Roald Dahl and The Gingerbread Man.

It really has been a special week in the Pre-Prep and I have thoroughly enjoyed watching the children immerse themselves in every book themed activity. I hope you have a restful weekend, and remember, when looking for something to do with the children this weekend, “Keep calm and carry on reading!”


Best wishes,

Shannon Wake

Assistant Head Teacher of Pre-Prep




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