Categories: Weekly Round Up

week ending 24th November






Dear Parents

I was told by a colleague today that there were two and a half weeks until term comes to a
close. Eeeeeeeeek! I have coursework to mark, reports to write, a play to put on and lots of mince pies to
eat. Still, the build up to Christmas at any school is always special and I look forward to all the wonderful
events that are upon us as December hoves into view.

Speaking of Christmas, I hope that those of you who visited the Christmas Bazaar last Saturday had as
much fun as I did. It was great to see so many alumni on site too. A particular highlight was walking into
the staff room to find Santa trying to escape up the chimney! A huge thank you must go to all the hard
work and time given by the Bazaar Committee in putting together such a lovely event. The Christmas
Music Concert this Monday evening is next up and don’t forget the opportunity you have to join the parent
choir for the Carol Service at the end of term.

Inside this week’s newsletter you will read about the considerable success of our U11 and U13 hockey
teams at recent national competitions – we are all so proud of their fantastic achievements.
Finally, there is an insightful interview with our Year 8 Mental Health and Wellbeing Prefects, Ella and
Willow where they share the purpose of their roles and their plans for the year ahead.

Best wishes

Luke Harrison







Dear Parents and Guardians,

I trust this message finds you well. What an exhilarating week it has been as we delved into the meaningful
activities of Anti-Bullying Week 2023! The enthusiasm and participation from the children were truly heartening.

Our week kicked off with the vibrant Odd Socks Day, where the children not only showcased their unique
sock styles but also engaged in conversations celebrating the beauty of differences. It was a valuable lesson
in encouraging self-expression and embracing individuality. The Anti-Bullying Workshops later in the week
provided an interactive platform for the children to explore inclusive friendships, conflict resolution, and
supporting peers facing friendship challenges. The week concluded with an assembly, reinforcing the
essential messages learned throughout.

Continuing our journey of recognising and celebrating differences, the children have embraced the
festivities of Diwali. Witnessing even our youngest learners in Nursery discussing Diwali celebrations and
sharing their personal experiences has been truly inspiring. Immersing the children in art and creative
activities enhances their understanding of diverse cultures, fostering respect for the rich tapestry of our

A heartfelt thank you to all the families who attended our Christmas Bazaar last weekend. The event was a
resounding success, and credit goes to the dedicated team behind its magic and the parents who
contributed by running stalls. Your involvement truly makes a difference in creating a vibrant school

Nativity rehearsals are in full swing, and anticipation is building for the upcoming productions. I eagerly look
forward to seeing you all next Friday for each performance. Kindly note that there will be NO swimming next
week due to these special presentations.

I hope each of you enjoys a wonderful weekend filled with joy and relaxation.

Best wishes,



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