Categories: Weekly Round Up

Week Ending 28th April









Dear Parents

I hope you are all well. Last Saturday’s Masquerade Ball was a tremendous success and I know everyone had a fantastic night. The Hall was almost unrecognisable once the decorations had gone up and the live band were fantastic. Thank you to everyone who attended and in particular the Ball Committee for their amazing work.

I spent Monday and Tuesday with Years 7 and 8 visiting the World War One battlefields of the Ypres area and The Somme. I have always found this trip incredibly moving and believe that the pupils gain so much from the experience. We looked at Commonwealth and German cemeteries, trenches, a fantastic museum in the village of Passchendaele and also attended the Last Post ceremony at The Menin Gate. At the end of the trip, our Heads of School, Charlotte and Sam, laid a wreath at the Thiepval Memorial to the Missing on behalf of our school community. For one of our Year 8 pupils, Rory, the trip was made all the more relevant as we visited the grave of his great great uncle – read more about this later in the newsletter.

I hope that you enjoy the upcoming Bank Holiday weekend!


Kind regards

Luke Harrison











Dear Parents,

The children have enjoyed a lovely week. Thankfully, the sun has shone just that little bit more towards the end of the week and the grounds seem to have dried out after being washed away on Monday.

This week, we have been planning an array of Coronation activities. The children shall be enjoying a variety of themed activities over the week, as well as some dance workshops and a traditional English fish ‘n’ chips picnic lunch on Friday, fingers crossed that we have some warm sunshine for this, otherwise we shall be keeping warm in the hall but still enjoying our themed lunch!

On Thursday, the Y2 children took part in their swimming gala. Huge thanks to Mr Worgan and his swimming team for organising such a fabulous event. The children enjoyed themselves so much and it was great to hear them cheering each other on and supporting each other with each stroke. Thank you to all of you who came along to support – I know that the children really enjoy seeing you and having you there to cheer them on.

We shall be sending information out about our upcoming events, but I wanted to ensure that you all read my letter about Grandparents’ Day and Maypole. Both events will be held on Friday 26th May. This year, Grandparents’ Day is for the whole school, not just Pre-Prep. So, if grandparents are free and able to visit, they can pop in and say hello to their grandchild from any class, Nursery right through to Year 8! Then, later that day, the Pre-Prep children shall be dancing around the maypole. Please keep this day free.

I hope that you are all able to enjoy a fabulous Bank Holiday weekend.

Best wishes

Helen Cook


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