Categories: Weekly Round Up

Week Ending 17th March










Dear Parents

I hope you are all well.

This week has felt exceptionally busy – which is a good thing!  In this edition of the newsletter you can read about Year 4’s trip to Knole House and the excellent Years 5/6 football tournament for girls that we hosted on Wednesday.  Congratulations to the Year 7 girls who won a hockey tournament at Kent College on Thursday – a fantastic result.  Friday brings the week to a close with The Oldroyd 7s and The Culley Cup and we are really looking forward to a fine day of rugby to round off the season.

This Saturday sees the final round of this year’s Six Nations Rugby Championship.  I always find this sad as it certainly brightens up the colder winter weekends at the start of the year – but with the World Cup to look forward to I think I can cope until September.

The excitement is building for next week’s performances of “Oliver!” on Tuesday and Wednesday evenings by Years 5 and 6.  Word on the street is that it is going to be fantastic – and I cannot wait!


Best wishes

Luke Harrison












Dear Parents,

It has been a wonderful week here in the Pre-Prep and children have been so busy at work.  Thank you to Annabelle, Tilly, Clara, Harry and Fleur for playing so beautifully for us before our Monday morning assembly, it was a fantastic way to start the week and the children loved performing for us.  A huge thanks also to Mrs Granger for accompanying Fleur and also for continuing to encourage our budding musicians to perform for us each week.

We have some exciting events coming up next week before we break up for Easter and we hope that you are able to come along and support the children in their activities.  Next Tuesday, the Year 2 boys have a mini rugby festival here at The Prep against Solefield and Somerhill Schools whilst the girls are away playing hockey at Somerhill.  Both matches will start at 1.30 pm. I shall be accompanying the girls this time around, so I am really looking forward to seeing their match!

Year 2 also have their swimming gala on the final day of term which they have been practising hard for. Please could I ask all parents to ensure they have responded to the email sent last Friday to confirm that their child will be attending.

Thank you everyone and have a wonderful weekend, I can’t quite believe it is the last weekend before the Easter holidays.


Best wishes,

Helen Cook




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