Categories: Weekly Round Up

Week ending 10th March









Dear Parents

Well, the snow was a little heavier than expected…

I do apologise for the disruption on Wednesday and hope that altering the timings of the day made it that bit safer for us all to travel to and from The Prep.  We certainly enjoyed our day in the snow – lessons went ahead as normal but there were some impressive constructions that materialised over the course of both breaktimes.  We even made the front page of The Chronicle!

I have such strong memories of being a pupil at Sevenoaks Prep, and “snow days” were especially precious.  We had a new boy who joined us in Year 5 when I was in Mr Culley’s class – his name was Neil and he was from Zimbabwe.  Neil had never seen snow before and was understandably beside himself when it finally arrived and he could go sledging for the first time.  He turned out to have no regard for his own safety and to this day remains the most reckless person on a sledge that I have ever witnessed.

Speaking of Mr Culley, I am thrilled that on Friday 17th March we will host The Culley Cup, our annual tournament for Year 8 rugby players.  Ian loved his rugby and was never happier than when prowling the touchline and watching a free-flowing game.  The tournament is a fitting way for us to remember him and all that he gave to The Prep over his many, many years of service.  This Friday, we stage The Oldroyd 7s, our rugby tournament for Year 6, named after our former headmaster, Philip Oldroyd who was as much a rugby fanatic as Ian Culley.  We look forward to welcoming visiting schools at both events – and hope that the snow stays away!


Best wishes

Luke Harrison



Dear Parents,

I awoke Wednesday morning to the more muffled sound of early morning birdsong knowing that it could only mean one thing…snow. Though it may have caused some chaos on the roads getting into school, once the children were in, they thoroughly enjoyed the chance to build snowmen at playtime and I could see yesterday a number of efforts that had not yet been melted by the rain. It was lovely to hear the children’s enthusiasm and to watch them work together to build the biggest snowman on the playground.

The children have been enjoying their learning this week and it has been lovely to see the children in Nursery continue to use their story trays more independently. There have been story trays for so many familiar stories such as The Gruffalo, We’re Going on a Bear Hunt, The Tiger Who Came to Tea, The Three Little Pigs and Dear Zoo.

In Kindergarten, they have been busy making route maps showing how they can find their way around the garden or making treasure maps to help them find hidden treasure. Always a favourite, the children have been enjoying The Very Hungry Caterpillar and learning about the days of the week.

Reception children have had fun with the traditional tale, Cinderella. The children sequenced the story, made invitations to the ball and finished the week dressing up as characters from the story as they danced their way around the Pre-Prep ballroom.

The traditional tale theme continued in Year 1 with Jack and the Beanstalk. I have been so impressed reading some of the children’s work as I did my ‘proud work’ walk and it was lovely listening to the children read their stories to me, filled with interesting vocabulary and similes.

I had the privilege of spending time with the Year 2 children this week and was able to see some exciting writing based on the story ‘Katie Morag Delivers the Mail’. I think the extra effort the teachers made with their costumes last week, as the two grannies, has had a hugely positive impact on the children’s writing!

Wishing you all a very restful weekend and sending out a wish for some spring sunshine and no more snow!


Best wishes,

Mrs Wake

Assistant Head Teacher of Pre-Prep




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