Dear Parents
I hope that you are all well.
The Christmas Bazaar last Saturday was a tremendous success and a great way to kickstart the festive
feeling. The pupils have told me how much they enjoyed the day and I must admit that being part of the
human fruit machine was most entertaining! Thank you to TJ Richards and everyone involved for making it
such a special event.
We had Governors’ Planning Day at school on Wednesday and they really enjoyed getting out and about at
lunchtime to chat with staff and the pupils. We have a new governor on the team – do read her profile
later on in the newsletter.
Thank you to the parents of children in Kindergarten who joined us for this morning’s celebration assembly
on “the big side”. It was lovely to welcome you and for you to share with us the pupils’ successes. Well
done on your singing too – it was a wonderful way to get Friday going!
There are many events coming up, from music concerts to the carol service. Mr Collings and I are busy
putting finishing touches to the senior drama production of “The War of the Worlds” – tickets will be
available shortly.
Best wishes
Luke Harrison
What a busy week we have had here in the Pre-Prep. We kickstarted the week with some fabulous World
Cup Football dance workshops. Each class, from Reception to Year 2, had the opportunity to visit the hall
and perform a dance based on a country whose team are competing in the World Cup.
The whole week has been themed around the World Cup with so many exciting learning opportunities for
the children. I loved to see the children problem solving in Year 2, designing their own football stadium and
explaining their choices for their materials and shapes of stadium.
Thursday morning saw the huge success of our first ever Pre-Prep World Cup Football Tournament
organised by Mr Worgan. Huge thanks to him for making the event such an incredible success. The children
bounced back into the minibuses bursting with pride about their morning and told me all about their
coaches and mini tournaments. It was fabulous to see and hear their excitement and also to see children of
all ages and various ability take part in this event.
Next week, we are very excited to be hosting our Pre-Prep nativity shows. All of the timings are available on
our Friday newsletter and we kindly ask that parents do not arrive any earlier than 15 minutes before each
show to allow us to clear the hall of the previous show’s audience.
Have a wonderful weekend.
Best wishes,
Helen Cook
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