The sudden enforced use of computer-based learning is a wonderful chance for education to develop and embrace everything the internet and computing have to offer. Even with these wonderful educational innovations at hand, we need to remain mindful of the pitfalls of working remotely and, of course, online.
Online safety or online concerns all come under safeguarding and should be reported to Mr Ashcroft and, in his capacity as Designated Safeguarding Lead, he will manage all cases including online bullying.
The school website safeguarding page can signpost you to support groups and information for children, parents and staff and gives you access to the CEOP (Child Exploitation and Online Protection command) safety centre too.
Here are some top tips for being safe whilst home learning:
Learning space:
Online safety:
If a child has a safeguarding issue then they should contact any member of staff they feel comfortable doing so via email.
With online safety, speed of action is paramount because online information can spread at an exponential rate, so, share your niggling doubt as soon as possible!
James Ashcroft
Deputy Head and Designated Safeguarding Lead
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